Friday, April 15, 2022


     For the growth and development of a modern society, communication of knowledge has become increasingly important. There is an impermeable relation between education and development of nation which can attain by inculcating the values in the society. A library is regarded as a social institution and it is expected to perform certain functions like life-long self-education, advancement of culture, political and social welfare etc. As we all know modern education system starts in school and students are gathering basic information and knowledge from the classrooms. In addition to text-based information, they should acquire knowledge from other resources also. Therefore, school library plays an important role in fulfilling this goal. We can categorise the world of libraries into different types such as Academic libraries (School, College and University), Public libraries and Special libraries.

School Libraries:

The importance of school library cannot be over emphasised. A library is an important source of knowledge to young minds in schools. It develops the leading habit of reading among the students. A library is an essential part of forward-thinking schools. While the role of the school library remains constant, its design, digital platform, strategies and tools could change as technology changes.

Libraries- A hub of activities:

A school library should be made the hub of activities going on in a school. A student can use it for education, Information, Recreation, Inspiration etc. A student can use it for preparatory work, parallel reading and follow-up work. He can get information about extra-mural activities such as event, Festivals etc. A student interested in preparing a scientific model or writing an essay for competition or wishing to improve his athletic performance can take the help of the library.

School Libraries Vs Users:

User community of school libraries consists of students, teachers and Admin staff. Role of libraries among teacher community is a quotable one. Libraries helps the teachers to facilitate the work of the classroom and ensures each student has equitable access to resources. Cater the differences in learning and teaching styles. It provides teachers with access to relevant curriculum information and professional materials within and outside the school and opportunities to plan, implement and evaluate learning program. There is no doubt as the teachers have the direct relation with students, they should be ready to connect and inspire them to use the library resources and materials.

                        Among student users there are Juniors, Seniors and secondary students. School libraries assisting children to enjoy reading by making profitable use of their leisure time. Provides guidance for students in the use of books, reference books, tools of the library and encourage for independent learning and self-propelled study both within the syllabus and beyond it. A child going to school would very often have his first contact with the world of books through a school library. Once he is able to form the habit of using the library, there is a great probability that he would continue the same throughout his life.


Education being a life-long process, a school library serves as a stepping stone in this direction. It is difficult task to cultivate any new habit. The same is true about the habit of using library. The psychology of human beings tells us that any inculcation of a habit should be initiated at the childhood stage. The success of a library depends a great deal upon the co-operation of the teachers. The achievement of any educational system should be judged on the basis of how far it has succeeded in cultivating reading habits, social and moral values among children

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